
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Fix Double Click Always Opens Search in Windows Explorer

Follow the set of commands below to show and delete the autorun.inf

1. Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open a command prompt window. On this command prompt window type the following steps.

2. type cd\

3. type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf

4. type del autorun.inf

5. now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat steps 3 and 4. Similarly repeat step 5 for all your hard disk partition.

Restart your system and your trouble will be fixed.

'show hidden files and folders' option not working!!

Method 1:
Click “Start” --> “Run…” (or press Windows key + R)
Type “regedit” and click “Ok”.
Go to this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Microsoft --> Windows --> CurrentVersion --> Explorer --> Advanced
In the right hand area, double click hidden and change the value to 1.
Now you’re all set to go. Check it in your tools menu if the changes have taken effect.

Method 2:
Click “Start” -> “Run…” (or press Windows key + R)
Type “regedit” and click “Ok”.
Find the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> SOFTWARE --> Microsoft --> Windows --> CurrentVersion --> Explorer --> Advanced --> Folder --> Hidden --> SHOWALL
Look at the “CheckedValue” key. This should be a DWORD key. If it isn’t, delete the key.
Create a new key called “CheckedValue” as a DWORD (hexadecimal) with a value of 1.
The “Show hidden files & folders” check box should now work normally. Enjoy!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Multi Yahoo

click start button,then run and then type regedit and then look for
Software\yahoo\ pager\Test. then change this value of plural to like this
"Plural"=dword: 00000001

Task Manager is Disabled

Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe
Navigate to the following branch:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
In the right-pane, delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
Close Regedit.exe

Thumbnails will not display

In order for Windows to display Thumbnails, Windows creates a Desktop.ini file and adds it to the folder you want to have a thumbnail view. The value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Installer\ Products\ 9040B11900063D11C8EF00054038389C\ ProductNonBootFiles
is changed to "Usage"=dword:2c4c025a
Files such as BMP that you wish to display as thumbnails should have a shellex value pointing to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\ {7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC} and the file
C:\WINDOWS\ SYSTEM32\ BROWSEUI.DLL must be present and not corrupted. This entry should look like "{7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}" . BROWSEUI.DLL must be registered properly for the thumbnails to display.
Then on each folder for which you want Thumbnail view capabilities, you must right click the folder, select Properties and check the box Enable Thumbnail view.

Replacing Windows Splash Screens

The Windows 9x startup splash screen is controlled by the file C:\Logo.sys. If the file is present the image in the file will appear when booting to Windows. If not, the standard Windows splash screen is inside the file C:\IO.sys . The file IO.sys is more than a bmp file so do not change this file with a bmp. In Windows ME the startup screen is controlled by the IO.sys file. And adding a Logo.sys file seems to not work. You must also have the setting Logo=1 in the MSDOS.sys file for the splash screens to work.
The Windows 95 Please wait is controlled by the file Logow.sys in the windows folder, Windows 98 is Logow.w98, ME does not use this file. The shut down screen is controlled by the file Logos.sys also in the Windows folder.
Customizing the logo screen file must be 320 x 400 in size and 256 in color; RGB encoded bmp file.

Files open with incorrect program

When you click on a file type and it opens with a program that cannot view it, or the incorrect program it is assoicated incorrectly in the Registry. Example: You want to open a DOC file and Windows Media trys to open it. To repair the file extension find a DOC file, hold the shift key down and double click on it. The Open With dialog window will be displayed. Now seletc the program you want to open the file with, in this case you would select Wordpad or Word. Place a check mark in the box "Always open with" and click "Open". Now all your DOC files will open with Wordpad.

Date is not displayed correctly

If you have a problem where the date is not always displayed correctly on some programs you need to check in two places. In RegEdit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International a value name of "sShortDate" should display the format you want. Example "mm/dd/yy". If the value name "sShortDate" does not exist here then your machine is set to the default "m/d/yy". However you may wish to add the value name and a setting. You will also need to check the Win.ini file, look for the section "[intl]" and set sShortDate=mm/dd/yy or what ever format you wish. The Win.ini must have this entry

Control Panel Applet cannot be loaded

Here is the question I received:
When I click on control panel. I get a message that tells me that an applet cannot be loaded. What does this mean and how do I fix it?
If you get a message box that states a resource or applet cannot be loaded this normally means one of two things. 1) The applet file (.cpl) associated with the applet not loaded is corrupt. 2) The Registry information for that applet is corrupt or the Key containing the needed information is corrupt.
First, attempt to replace the cpl file and reboot. With Windows ME you can delete the file and Windows will replace it automatically if it is a standard Windows applet. If this does not work you will need to restore the Registry with a good backup.
If the applet in question is not needed, you can add a line in the Windows\Control.ini. Assuming that the applet is the joystick applet and you do not have a joystick then the entry will look like the following:
[don't load]
Be sure you locate the correct file in the System or System32 folder and enter the correct file name.

Changing the Windows logo screens

In Windows 95, 98, and ME the startup logo screen is controlled by the file C:\Logo.sys.If this file does not exist, Windows will load the default logo screen that is inside the file C:\IO.sys. The Please Wait and shut down screens are located in the Windows folder, they are Logos.sys and Logow.sys. If they do not exist Windows will load the default screens. ( words, not pictures). ME does not come with a Please Wait screen.

If no screens are seen you will need to remove the read only attribute from the file C:\Msdos.sys and edit the value Logo=1 if it is set to zero then no screens will be displayed.

In the Windows NT platform (NT, 2000, XP)the startup screens are in the Windows folder, named Lanma256.bmp,Lanmannt.bmp, Winnt.bmp, or Winnt256.bmp. They are loaded only if the file exists.